Finding a ranch or farm location in Los Angeles can
be a challenge.
Our property at Clybourn is unique.
We provide barns, cabins and houses with different architectural styles, all at a single location.
Contact us to start the conversation
about your next project.

-2 horse barn structures and an adjoining storage room.
-One horse barn has 3 stalls, and the other has 3 horse stalls.
5 acres of property, and our own trails, valley overlook and mountain space for your project.
We have plenty of room for horses, cowboys and other western elements for photography or filming!
Where can I find ranch filming locations in LA?
Our first piece of advice is to ontact your local government office or film commission for assistance. They can help find potential locations for your film. You can also look into location scouting websites for listings of available locations offered to filmmakers. Please contact us with any questions.
We need a ranch set in Los Angles with multiple locations, can Clybourn do this?
This is the number 1 reason to choose Clybourn for your next project.
The property has multiple buildings, indoor and outdoor sets, a full photography studio as well as a state-of-the art recording studio. We are your single destintaion spot for all your projects.
Why is it important to scout a location?
Location scouting, even if just a quick 2-minute run around the venue, allows you to keep various options in the back of your mind while you’re shooting, so you know which locations (i.e. indoor photography vs outdoor photography)you want to shoot, instead of figuring it out as you go and then finding some really awesome view right at the end after you’re all done.
Why is location important in film?
A great movie location will provide various areas for which to arrange your gear and scenes. … A movie location sets the scene for the movie and is actually regarded as one of the most important characters in a film script. Choosing the right location for your project could make or break your own project.
How much should I charge for a location fee?
In Los Angeles, this is a bit of a loaded question. Across the city, there is certainly an average price, but there is no hard and fast answer to “what to charge”. We take the same approach here at Clybourn Studios. Every project is different and there are a lot of factors that play into the desirability of the location. Things like parking, ease of access, indoor and/or outdoor spaces, scenery, and many other factors. We work best with clients that have a unique vision on how to utilize our boutique LA film and photo spaces. Give us a call today and find out why we’re the most versatile film location in Los Angeles.
Is Clybourn A Rustic Style Location for Filming & Photo Shoots ?
Absolutely. One of the most attrative aspects of the property at Clybourn Studios is the flexibility and versitility. All of our spaces, both indoor and outdoor can be customized tio meet the exact specifications of your project.
How important is location for photography?
A location is important for better photographs as it adds the charm to the photograph.
Where do actors stay when filming?
Options include residential spaces, apartments, hotels, motels, RVs, trailers, or tents, depending on an array of factors. It is also clear that actors don’t necessarily have to live in trailers onset, but it is an option.